Louis, Dauphin of France, Duke of Guyenne

Louis was the eighth of twelve children of King Charles VI of France and Isabeau of Bavaria. He was their third son and the second to hold the titles Dauphin of Viennois and Duke of Guyenne, inheriting them in 1401, at the death of his older brother, Charles .

Louis was born between the eighth and ninth hours of the evening in the royal Htel SaintPol in Paris. He was baptised the next day in the parish church of SaintPaul, with eight prelates attending, including the abbot of SaintDenis. Present also was a large assembly of noblemen and ladies. The infant was carried to the font by Duke Louis of Orlans, Pierre le Bgue de Villaines and Countess Joan of Ligny. They gave him the name Louis and the archbishop of Vienne performed the baptism.

Source: Wikipedia